Chicago upcoming events - Serbian Television USA. Kalendar predstojećih srpskih dešavanja u Čikagu i drugim američkim i kanadskim gradovima

Kalendar predstojećih balkanskih dešavanja u Čikagu, Njujorku, Majamiju i ostalim američkim gradovima. Upcoming Chicago events in Serbian and Balkan community.


Srpska Televizija nije odgovorna za promene datuma i mesta zakazanih događaja.

TASTE OF SERBIA FESTIVAL 2017 @ St. Basil of Ostrog Serbian Orthodox Church
Sep 2 @ 12:00 am – Sep 3 @ 11:59 pm

Taste of Serbia Festival, Labor Day weekend

One of Lake County’s biggest ethic festivals!

Taste of Serbia 2017

St. Basil of Ostrog Serbian Orthodox Church in Lake Forest-Mettawa, IL will host their annual Taste of Serbia Festival, Saturday and Sunday, September 2 and 3 of Labor Day weekend. The church’s goal is to introduce the community to Serbian food and culture. Traditional cuisine, music, and beverages will be featured.

Music and ‘kolo’ dancing will be non-stop. Visit the church and learn about orthodox traditions and Serbian culture from Parish Priest, Father Djuro Krosnjar.

There is fun for all ages, including a Kiddie area with giant inflatables and games. Stop by the bookstore for music, books, jewelry, or icons. Check out the specialty vendors also.

više informacija na linku

Jan 13 @ 9:00 pm


Stefan Grill Cikago

Docekjate Pravoslavnu Novu godinu u restoranu Stefan Grill!

Docek Pravoslavne Nove Godine

Ocekuje vas pravo uzivanje uz najbolju tamburasku muziku!

Cena karte je 40$!

U cenu je uracunato pice dobrodoslice i bogata vecera!

Trojka iz Bloka Chicago – Тројка из Блока Чикаго @ Veterans Park Playground
Jun 16 @ 4:00 pm

Trojka iz Bloka Chicago – Тројка из Блока Чикаго

Come join us for our 6th annual 3-Point Charity Tournament, Trojka Iz Bloka Cikago!! This year, the new signing to the Chicago Fire soccer team Aleksandar Katai will be our special guest. So come out and join us for a good cause and meet a member of the Chicago Fire and former Serbian National team player.

Јасна Поповић – пијаниста – концерт у Чикагу @ PianoForte Foundation Pianoforte Studios
Nov 12 @ 7:00 pm

Јасна Поповић наступ у Чикагу

Јасна Поповић, позната српска пијанисткиња која тренутно живи у Њујорку, у оквиру пројекта Србија око света, под покровитељством Канцеларије за дијаспору Министарства спољних послова Р. Србије организује концерт 12. новембра 2019. године у Чикагу.

Jasna popovic pijanista koncert Cikago
Jasna popovic pijanista koncert

Због ограниченог броја места у сали предлажемо да благовремено обезбедите карте:
Више инфорамација о концерту можете добити на следећим линковима:

PFC Website:

Novogodišnje veče – Holy Resurrection Church @ Saborni hram Vaskresenja Hristvog u Cikagu
Dec 31 @ 7:00 pm

Novogodišnje veče – Holy Resurrection Church

Proslavite Novu godinu sa porodicom i prijateljima,

utorak, 31.decembar

Saborni hram Vaskresenja Hristvog u Cikagu 5701 N. Redwood Dr. Chicago, IL 60631

7:00 uvece – Koktel 8:00 uvece – Vecera Zabavljaju Vas – Tatijana Petkovic, Milos Segrt i Stanimir Stosic

Zdravica sampanjcem u ponoc!

Ulaznice se mogu nabaviti u crkvenoj kancelariji. Mesta morate rezervisati do 24.decembra.

Cena za odrasle 70$, a za decu 30$.

21. КРАЈИШКО ПРЕЛО У ЧИКАГУ @ New Gracanica Monasery
Feb 25 @ 6:00 pm

Културно-забавна манифестација под називом „Крајишници ђе ћемо на прело“ одржава се у суботу 25. фебруара 2023. године у Чикагу по 21. пут. У великој сали Манастира Нова Грачаница организатори из Удружења крајишких Срба „Прело“ и овога пута су припремили програм који ће бити посвећен очувању крајишких обичаја и сећања на знамените Крајишнике. Тако ће те вечери бити постављена изложба аутора Светозара Данчуо на којој ће бити представљенe биографије најпознатијих Срба са Кордуна. Посебно место у оквиру те изложбе заузима Сава Мркаљ реформатор српске ћирилице и језика, песник, монах и учитељ, чија се 240. годишњица рођења обележава ове године.

У целовечерњем програму очекује се наступ више фолклорних група и ансамбала који ће пјесмом и играма „прошетати“ српским земљама. Глумци Игор Обрадовић и Миленко Шишарица рецитацијама и скечевима подсетити ће на догађаје из свакодневног живота Крајишника. И у забавном програму у којем наступају певачи Тања Петковић и Момо Станић уз пратњу Јон Вука и Миће Радовановића доминирати ће крајишке пјесме.

У току вечери биће спорведена акција прикупљања прилога за изградњу првог храма посвећеног Светим новомученицима јасеновачкима који се подиже у селу Међувоће у Поткозарију код Козарске Дубице у Републици Српској.

С. Данчуо

Pappas: Školski okruzi povećali su poreze na imovinu na kuće, preduzeća u okrugu Kuk
Oct 31 – Nov 30 all-day

Analiza računa za porez na imovinu okruga Kuk od 1,8 miliona za 2022. pokazuje da su školski okrugi uglavnom odgovorni za velike poreske račune koji dospevaju 1. decembra, kaže blagajnik Marija Papas.

Srednji račun za boravišnu taksu u severnim i severozapadnim predgrađima povećan je za 15,7%, što je najveći procenat povećanja u najmanje 30 godina, pokazala je analiza. Ovi veći poreski računi su rezultat povećanih nameta ¬¬— iznosa novca koji traže poreski okrugi — i prebacivanja poreskog tereta na vlasnike kuća sa preduzeća kao rezultat ponovnih procena u severnim predgrađima.

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Pappas: School districts hiked property taxes on Cook County homes, businesses

An analysis of Cook County’s 1.8 million property tax bills for 2022 shows that school districts are chiefly responsible for hefty tax bills that are due Dec. 1, according to Treasurer Maria Pappas.

The median residential tax bill in the north and northwest suburbs increased 15.7%, the largest percentage increase in at least 30 years, the analysis found. These higher tax bills are the result of increased levies ­­— the amount of money sought by taxing districts — and a shift of the tax burden onto homeowners from businesses as a result of reassessments in the northern suburbs.

Treasurer’s Office researchers Hal Dardick and Todd Lighty led the analysis. Pappas hired the former Chicago Tribune investigative journalists to head up her office’s think tank. The analysis is the latest addition to the Pappas Studies, a series of examinations of the complex property tax system available at

Key findings of the analysis show:


  • Of 940 taxing agencies in the county, 676 — or 71.9% — increased taxes.


  • The amount of taxes billed to property owners countywide rose more than $909 million from $16.7 billion to $17.6 billion, a 5.4% increase over 2021. Homeowners are shouldering $599.1 million, or two-thirds of the increase, while commercial properties are picking up one-third and owe an additional $314.4 million.


  • In newly reassessed north and northwest suburbs, taxes rose $331 million — with a $387 million, or 12.9%, increase on residences and a $56 million, or 2.7%, decrease on commercial properties.


  • In the south and southwest suburbs, taxes rose $173 million from $3.88 billion to $4.06 billion. Residential taxes increased $98 million, or 4.1%, from $2.4 billion to $2.5 billion, while taxes on commercial properties increased $75 million, or 5.1%, from $1.48 billion to $1.56 billion.


Cook County is divided into three areas for reassessments: the city of Chicago, north suburbs and south suburbs. The county assessor calculates new values for properties in each region once every three years, a process known as triennial reassessments.

Property values are one factor in the complex property tax system. Local units of government set tax levies that determine how much money they need to operate. The assessed values of properties and amounts of levies determine the tax rates, which vary widely among communities.

State law allows school districts to hike taxes by the prior year’s increase in the consumer price index, or 5%, whichever is less. Because the CPI increased by 7% in 2021, school districts were allowed a 5% increase. But the overall percentage increase was higher, partly due to a new provision called recapture.

Recapture, which took effect in the 2021 tax year due to a change in state law, allows schools and other taxing bodies to recover money that was refunded to property owners whose assessments were lowered by the Illinois Property Tax Appeal Board, state courts or county offices.

Recapture accounted for $203.7 million countywide for 2022, a $72.7 million increase from last year.

Significant increases in the amount of money the city of Chicago and Chicago Public Schools said they needed to operate, coupled with the recapture provision and higher tax increment financing district bills, boosted the overall property tax burden in Chicago by $410 million from $7.65 billion to $8.1 billion. That broke down as a $296 million, or 7.8%, increase on commercial properties and a $115 million, or 3%, increase on residential properties.

Chicago Public Schools recaptured $50.8 million for the 2022 tax year. As a home rule municipality, the city of Chicago is unable to recapture taxes, as the state law applies only to non-home rule communities.

The Treasurer’s analysis revealed that throughout Cook County in 2022, the amount owed to tax increment financing districts increased $124.6 million from $1.43 billion to $1.56 billion. TIF district increases account for about 13.7% of the overall rise in what property owners across the county owe.

Second Installment 2022 tax bills are set to be mailed Nov. 1 and are due Dec. 1. Property owners who don’t wait to wait for their bills to arrive in the mail can pay their taxes online now at Partial payments are accepted.