Tamara Vesna, Realtor RE/MAX City

Tamara Vesna TV is Realtor, Real Estate Broker for Residential and Commercial properties can help you find to Buy any property in Illinois, Cook, Du Page & Lake, Chicago land, North Shore & all areas 1h drive
from the Loop or O’Hare airport. TV can help you Sell your property for the most and for the shortest time. Also Tamara Vesna can help you Sell Short Sale or Buy Foreclosure if needed and will help you Rent or Lease.




Tamara Vesna
Real Estate in Chicago. Buy, Sell, Rent, residential and commercial. Tamara Vesna Remax City, 866-482-6272, web: Download &Try application free - android and apple
Real Estate in Chicago

BUYERS Tips ! Nobody tell you this ! Secret #3 in buying Real Estate

Selling a home – SELLER REQUEST



Buying home in Chicago or suburbs ?

Find out what is the most important when buying a home and what should you pay attention to?
What stops you from buying now?
Do you qualified for up to 6% down payment assistance?
Did you know that you can get FREE Real Estate help?
What are the risks of buying without an agent?
I can answer your questions and put my 20 years experience of selling real estate work for you.
Fill out the form on the website
and we will help you find your new home.
Need a credit loan? My team will help you get approve.
No reason to wait, new house will make you and your family happy, all you need to do is to take first step!
See available properties in the area of your choice
Call today
866 482-6272

Real Estate VIDEO 

FAST SELLING ! YOUR House SOLD in 39 days or FREE* Chicago IL

BUYING Property?

Buying real estate doesn’t have to be a stressful experience, in fact, it should be fun! You might be a bit afraid or intimidated by the whole process of buying.

I will work side-by-side with you to help you find your dream home and then negotiate the purchase for you. I’ll take care of all details.

I will make sure that process go smoothly so you can relax. I will make buying your first home easy.  I’ll be your professional guide to getting you when you want!

I will take the time to explain buying process to you. Please see Buying info video links:

Here are some of a questions:

How much can you really afford?  How much you will need to put down?

How to qualify for a mortgage? What it takes to get approved for a mortgage loan?

What your payments will be? The tax advantages of buying? Renting vs Buying?

Let me know if you have some questions. Please e-mail some info re your situation.

This is a free service to you with no strings attached.

Tamara Vesna Remax City

BUYERS TIPS ! Nobody tell you this ! Secret #1 in buying Real Estate

Kupovina, prodaja i rentiranje nekretnina u Čikagu i okolini. Stojim Vam na raspolaganu sa dugogodišnjim iskustvom kao Real Estate realtor – broker za nekretnine u Čikagu. Moje ime je Tamara Vesna i radim za kompaniju Remax City.

Prodaja stanova i kuća u Čikagu i okolini

Ukoliko prodajete nekretninu u Čikagu, mogu Vam pomoći da je prodate u najkraćem roku po najboljoj ceni.

Kupovina nekretnine u Čikagu

Ako kupujete kuću ili stan u Čikagu , moj tim i ja smo Vam na raspolaganju. Proverite preko nas da li ste kvalifikovani za kredit i pod kojim uslovima ga možete dobiti.

Rentiranje stanova u Čikagu

Rentiranje stanova i kuća u Čikagu možete obaviti preko nas . Ako tražite stan, kuću, poslovni prostor, garažu, parking ili zemljište javite se jer će vam moja kompanija preporučiti najbolju lokaciju.

Besplatna mobilna aplikacija sa opcijom za trenutnu pretragu na lokaciji

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realtors in Chicago. House for sale. property for sale.Tamara Vesna. Remax City
Tamara Vesna.Remax City


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