2nd Serbian Folklore Seminar for Artistic Directors & Dancers

02/02/2018 @ 9:00 am – 04/02/2018 @ 11:30 am
New Gracanica-Midwestern American Diocese
35240 N Grant St
Third Lake
Illinois 60046
Serbian Folklore Association of North America
(847) 223-4300

2nd Serbian Folklore Seminar for Artistic Directors & Dancers

Dear Colleagues,

A seminar of Serbian Folklore for Artistic Directors and Primary Dancers will be hosted at Nova Gracanica Monastery Small Hall, Lake Villa, IL, Friday, February 2nd through Sunday, February 4th, 2018. The seminar program will be directed by:

Igre i pesme Grdelicke klisure i Vladicinog Hana
Predavac – Zvezdan Djuric, Kraljevo, Srbija

Pesme i igre Banata
Predavac – Milorad Runjo, Zrenjanin, Srbija

The seminar schedule is as follows:

Friday, February 2nd: 6:00 – 10:00 PM
Saturday, February 3rd: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Sunday, February 4th: 11:30 AM – 5:00 PM

Participation cost is $150.00 per person. This includes all classes, lunch on Saturday & Sunday during closing presentation, a DVD of all material presented (to be sent following the seminar), notes and music of presented material, and certificate of completion. Seminar class size is limited, and we ask that you reserve your spot by messaging us the following:

NAME: ________________
PHONE NUMBER: _______________
EMAIL ADDRESS: ________________

If hotel recommendations are needed, please do not hesitate to ask via messenger. We look forward to meeting you all and having a successful seminar!

Your Hosts,

Michael Malich – Sumadija SFDE, Milwaukee, WI
Mladen Lajic – ANI Kolo, Chicago, IL

Drage kolege,

Seminar folklora za umetnicke rukovodioce i igrace odrzace se u periodu od 2. do 4. februara u sali manastira Nova Gracanica u opstini Lake Villa.

Program seminara:

Igre i pesme Grdelicke klisure i Vladicinog Hana
Predavac – Zvezdan Djuric, Kraljevo, Srbija

Pesme i igre Banata
Predavac – Milorad Runjo, Zrenjanin, Srbija

Raspored seminara:
Petak, 2. februar: 18h – 22h
Subota, 3. februar: 9h – 17h
Nedelja, 4. februar: 11:30h – 17h

Cena pohadjanja seminara je $150.00 po osobi i u istu su ukljuceni casovi za 3 dana, rucak u subotu i nedelju u toku prezentacije, prezentovani materijali na DVD-u i diploma o zavrsetku seminara. Broj ucesnika je ogranicen pa bismo Vas zamolili da rezervisete mesto na vreme tako sto cete nam poslati:

Ime i prezime:_______________
Broj telefona:________________
Email adresa:________________
Ime folklorne grupe(ako ste clan):___________

Ako su Vam potrebne preporuke za hotel, budite slobodni da pitate. Radujemo se skorom druzenju i nadamo se uspesnom seminaru!


Michael Malich – Sumadija SFDE, Milwaukee, WI
Mladen Lajic – ANI Kolo, Chicago, IL