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Pappas and ABC 7 Chicago to host “Black and Latino Houses Matter” on March 11, a phone bank to help Cook County homeowners with their property taxes @ ABC 7 Chicago
Mar 11 @ 3:00 pm – 7:00 pm

Treasurer Maria Pappas and ABC 7 Chicago will host “Black and Latino Houses Matter” on March 11, 2021, a phone bank to help Cook County homeowners find refunds, apply for property tax exemptions and avoid the Tax Sale, Pappas said today.

“I am grateful to ABC 7 for participating in my program to return money to taxpayers and prevent them from losing their homes because of unpaid taxes,” Pappas said. “While the Tax Sale
disproportionately impacts Black and Latino homeowners, all Cook County homeowners are welcome to call the phone bank.” John Idler, President and General Manager of ABC 7 Chicago, said: “It’s gratifying to join forces with the Treasurer’s Office to help Cook County homeowners get much needed information and resources, especially in Black and Latino communities hardest hit by the pandemic. The phone bank will go a long way to provide struggling homeowners assistance and reaffirms that working
together to help our community makes us all stronger.”

Here are the phone bank details:
Date: March 11, 2021
Time: 3:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Phone Number: 312.603.5105

Samantha Chatman, a consumer investigative reporter with ABC 7’s I-Team, will report on the
phone bank during the station’s newscasts. A team from the Treasurer’s Office, fluent in Spanish,
Polish, Chinese and English, will:
• Search $76 million in available property tax refunds
• Check if you are eligible for $46 million in missing tax exemptions
• Verify if your property is on the Tax Sale list with delinquent taxes

Pappas: Certified notice out on 45,000 properties with unpaid taxes in Cook County
Mar 23 – May 12 all-day

Maria Pappas

On May 12, 2022, Cook County Treasurer Maria Pappas will begin
the sale of unpaid 2019 property taxes that were originally due in
Property owners can avoid the Annual Tax Sale by paying the
delinquent taxes and interest before the sale begins.
To see if your taxes are delinquent – and to make a payment
– visit and select “Avoid the Tax
Sales.” You can search by address or by Property Index
About $219 million in unpaid 2019 property taxes is due on
44,741 homes, businesses and land.
“Unpaid taxes are found in all communities, but almost 79% of the
taxes offered for sale are for properties in Black and Latino
communities,” Pappas said.
“Property owners should visit to see if
they are receiving all possible exemptions to pay only what they
owe,” Pappas said.
Tax buyers interested in participating in the sale should visit to register for the sale or purchase a list of
properties with delinquent taxes. Registration will be open from
March 25 to May 2, 2022.

Sep 2 @ 8:30 pm


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Info: 773 644 0600 // 515 710 3396

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ABC Bakery & Deli: (708) 453-3123‬ 7701 W Lawrence Ave, Norridge, IL 60706 DRINA CAFFE: (773) 275-5568 2501 W Lawrence Ave Chicago, IL 60625 BURBON KAFANICA: (773) 769-3543 4768 N Lincoln Ave, Chicago, IL 60625 BOSNA GRILL : (847) 593-7484 644 W Algonquin Rd Des Plaines, IL 60016 BALKAN BAKERY: (708) 588-1899 541 South La Grange Road La Grange, IL 60525

Organizator turneje: Balkan Sound Promotion Želimo Vam odličan provod!

ŠMIZLE – ŽENSKI BEND @ Skokie theater
Oct 21 – Oct 23 all-day



O predstavi

„Šmizle“ su vesela i zabavna komedija koja će vas sigurno nasmejati. Kroz ovu komediju prepliću se sudbine različitih žena koje, tražeći svoje mesto pod suncem, u jednoj kafani dolaze na ideju da osnuju bend.






@ Crkva Sv. Stefana Dečanskog
Nov 13 @ 12:00 pm
Драги парохијани, 
Обавештавамо вас да ћемо у недељу, 13. новембра угостити Госпођу Гордану Лаковић, писца неколико књига и збирки песама за децу, која ће у дворани нашег храма одржати дечију играоницу под називом ”КАРАВАН СРЕЋЕ”.
Ова играоница већ је представљена деци од 4-12 година у свим већим градовима Канаде и многим градовима Америке, а сада и деца у Чикагу имају прилику да уживају у овом веома лепом догађају. Програм траје око 45 минута, током кога се деца забављају и уче о нашој култури, традицији, језику и знаменитим личностима кроз интерактивну игру: поезија и кратке приче се читају, пропраћене видео презентацијама и слушају се песме, од којих су неке познате, а неке нове, са стиховима из Горданиних књига, за које су урађени музички аранжмани. На крају програма припремљено је и мало изненађење за сву децу, која буду учествовала.
Драги родитељи, доведите вашу децу, драге баке и деке, доведите своје унучиће. Сви сте добродошли!
Црква Светог Стефана Дечанског
Pappas: Your Cook County property tax bill is online now – INFO
Dec 30 @ 1:00 pm

Property Tax Bills Due December 30

Cook County’s Second Installment property tax bills have been posted at, where bills can be viewed, downloaded and paid with no added
“My office has finally received the figures to print 1.8 million property tax bills,” said Cook
County Treasurer Maria Pappas. “We have posted the bills online to accommodate
homeowners impacted by the delay. A paper bill will be in your mailbox on or around the
first of December.”

Property tax payments are due Dec. 30. You can download your tax bill and make a
payment by visiting and following these steps:
 Select the blue box labeled “Pay Online for Free”
 Enter your address or Property Index Number (PIN)
There is no fee if you pay online from your bank account. However, you can also print
your bill and bring it to any Chase Bank location, including those outside Cook County.
You can also pay at more than 100 community banks where you have an account or at
the Treasurer’s Office.
You may also use the website to:
 Download a copy of your Tax Bill
 Search $84 million in available refunds
 Check property tax exemptions, which can lower your taxes
 Read any of the Pappas Studies, a series of research projects that detail inequities
in the property tax system

Reminder: First Installment Cook County property taxes are due April 3
Mar 5 @ 8:00 am

The due date for Tax Year 2022 First Installment property taxes this year is April 3. Nearly
1.8 million tax bills will arrive in mailboxes by early March. They are currently available online

Typically, First Installment property tax bills are due on March 1. But state lawmakers
extended the due date because Second Installment bills were late last year.
To make a payment or download a copy of your tax bill, visit
• Select the blue box labeled “Pay Online for Free”
• Search by property address or enter your Property Index Number
• There is no fee if you pay from your bank account
• Payments made at before 11:59 p.m. on April 3 will be
recorded as on time
Partial payments are accepted. Late payments are charged 1.5 percent per month, as
mandated under Illinois law.

Maria Pappas

Pappas: Školski okruzi povećali su poreze na imovinu na kuće, preduzeća u okrugu Kuk
Oct 31 – Nov 30 all-day

Analiza računa za porez na imovinu okruga Kuk od 1,8 miliona za 2022. pokazuje da su školski okrugi uglavnom odgovorni za velike poreske račune koji dospevaju 1. decembra, kaže blagajnik Marija Papas.

Srednji račun za boravišnu taksu u severnim i severozapadnim predgrađima povećan je za 15,7%, što je najveći procenat povećanja u najmanje 30 godina, pokazala je analiza. Ovi veći poreski računi su rezultat povećanih nameta ¬¬— iznosa novca koji traže poreski okrugi — i prebacivanja poreskog tereta na vlasnike kuća sa preduzeća kao rezultat ponovnih procena u severnim predgrađima.

pročiajte ceo tekst ispod:

Pappas: School districts hiked property taxes on Cook County homes, businesses

An analysis of Cook County’s 1.8 million property tax bills for 2022 shows that school districts are chiefly responsible for hefty tax bills that are due Dec. 1, according to Treasurer Maria Pappas.

The median residential tax bill in the north and northwest suburbs increased 15.7%, the largest percentage increase in at least 30 years, the analysis found. These higher tax bills are the result of increased levies ­­— the amount of money sought by taxing districts — and a shift of the tax burden onto homeowners from businesses as a result of reassessments in the northern suburbs.

Treasurer’s Office researchers Hal Dardick and Todd Lighty led the analysis. Pappas hired the former Chicago Tribune investigative journalists to head up her office’s think tank. The analysis is the latest addition to the Pappas Studies, a series of examinations of the complex property tax system available at

Key findings of the analysis show:


  • Of 940 taxing agencies in the county, 676 — or 71.9% — increased taxes.


  • The amount of taxes billed to property owners countywide rose more than $909 million from $16.7 billion to $17.6 billion, a 5.4% increase over 2021. Homeowners are shouldering $599.1 million, or two-thirds of the increase, while commercial properties are picking up one-third and owe an additional $314.4 million.


  • In newly reassessed north and northwest suburbs, taxes rose $331 million — with a $387 million, or 12.9%, increase on residences and a $56 million, or 2.7%, decrease on commercial properties.


  • In the south and southwest suburbs, taxes rose $173 million from $3.88 billion to $4.06 billion. Residential taxes increased $98 million, or 4.1%, from $2.4 billion to $2.5 billion, while taxes on commercial properties increased $75 million, or 5.1%, from $1.48 billion to $1.56 billion.


Cook County is divided into three areas for reassessments: the city of Chicago, north suburbs and south suburbs. The county assessor calculates new values for properties in each region once every three years, a process known as triennial reassessments.

Property values are one factor in the complex property tax system. Local units of government set tax levies that determine how much money they need to operate. The assessed values of properties and amounts of levies determine the tax rates, which vary widely among communities.

State law allows school districts to hike taxes by the prior year’s increase in the consumer price index, or 5%, whichever is less. Because the CPI increased by 7% in 2021, school districts were allowed a 5% increase. But the overall percentage increase was higher, partly due to a new provision called recapture.

Recapture, which took effect in the 2021 tax year due to a change in state law, allows schools and other taxing bodies to recover money that was refunded to property owners whose assessments were lowered by the Illinois Property Tax Appeal Board, state courts or county offices.

Recapture accounted for $203.7 million countywide for 2022, a $72.7 million increase from last year.

Significant increases in the amount of money the city of Chicago and Chicago Public Schools said they needed to operate, coupled with the recapture provision and higher tax increment financing district bills, boosted the overall property tax burden in Chicago by $410 million from $7.65 billion to $8.1 billion. That broke down as a $296 million, or 7.8%, increase on commercial properties and a $115 million, or 3%, increase on residential properties.

Chicago Public Schools recaptured $50.8 million for the 2022 tax year. As a home rule municipality, the city of Chicago is unable to recapture taxes, as the state law applies only to non-home rule communities.

The Treasurer’s analysis revealed that throughout Cook County in 2022, the amount owed to tax increment financing districts increased $124.6 million from $1.43 billion to $1.56 billion. TIF district increases account for about 13.7% of the overall rise in what property owners across the county owe.

Second Installment 2022 tax bills are set to be mailed Nov. 1 and are due Dec. 1. Property owners who don’t wait to wait for their bills to arrive in the mail can pay their taxes online now at Partial payments are accepted.


Treasurer Pappas posts property tax bills online and gives taxpayers a preview of amounts due March 1
Dec 14 – Dec 30 all-day

Cook County property owners have no need to wait for their next property tax bills to arrive in the mail to find out how much they will owe by the March 1 due date, Treasurer Maria Pappas said today.

Taxpayers can visit to view, download and prepay their First Installment 2023 property tax bills.

Property tax bills are divided into two annual installments. The First Installment, which is 55 percent of the previous year’s total tax, is due March 1, 2024. By providing an early look at the bills, property owners can plan their finances or make payments before the end of the year.

“A lot of bills come due after the holidays,” Pappas said. “By posting First Installment bills online months before they are due or even mailed we strive to help people manage their household budgets and plan accordingly.”

The Treasurer’s Office expects to mail First Installment 2023 bills to owners of about 1.7 million properties around Feb. 1.

Visiting and follow these steps to download your tax bill and make a payment:

  • Select the blue box labeled “Pay Online for Free”
  • Enter your address or 14-digit Property Index Number (PIN)

There is no fee if you pay from your bank account. The Treasurer’s Office accepts partial payments but First Installment taxes must be paid by March 1 to avoid a late charge of .75 percent per month, as mandated by Illinois law.

You can also use to:

  • Search $93 million in available refunds.
  • Check if you are missing out on $57 million in property tax exemptions, which lower your tax bill.
Feb 16 @ 6:02 am – Mar 1 @ 12:00 am

Krajnji rok za plaćanje poreza je 01 Mart ove godine, saopštila je blagajnica Cook sreza Maria Pappas. Proverite da li ste kvalifikovani za povrat novca od poreza iz fonda od 150 miliona dolara uključujući vlasnike kuća, starije osobe i seniore koji su oslobođeni od poreza u poslednjih 20 godina.

Unesite svoju adresu na sajtu i proverite


01 Mart krajnji rok za plaćanje poreza - Cook County Treasurer