2301 S King Dr
Illinois 60616
Chicago AUTO SHOW 2018
I ove godine veliki nacionalni Chicago Auto Show biće održan od 10 do 19 Februara. Posetioci će moći da vide najnovije modele svetskih automobila, kamiona, terenskih i konceptnih vozila. Pored toga takodje možete videti i primenu nove tehnologije u auto industriji. Biće zanimljivo i zabavno za sve uzraste. Dobrodošli
The nation’s largest auto show, the Chicago Auto Show, opens to the public on Saturday, Feb. 10 and runs through Monday, Feb. 19, Presidents Day (hours: 10 a.m. – 10 p.m. each day, except for the final day when the show closes at 8 p.m.).
The 2018 show will feature world and North American vehicle introductions including the latest cars, trucks, SUVs and concept vehicles; the latest in-vehicle technology’ and driver assistance systems; indoor test tracks and outdoor ride-and-drives; and interactive displays filled with fun for the whole family.
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