Tamburitzans in Chicago, 19 nov. Merle Reskin Theatre

19/11/2017 @ 2:00 pm
Merle Reskin Theatre
60 E Balbo Ave
Illinois 60605
312 922 1999

Tamburitzans in Chicago

Splet uzbudljive muzike, pesme i plesa medjunarodnih kultura. Tamburitzans, iskusni ansambl kombinuje muziku, pesmu i ples kako bi pokazali kulturne događaje i zajedničke vrednosti svetskih naroda.

Tamburtzans vas pozivaju da posetite događaj u nedelju 19. novembra u Merle Reskin Theatre u Čikagu sa početkom u 2pm.

Based on the exciting music, songs and dances of international cultures, The Tamburitzans – a seasoned performing ensemble of 31 talented college students – combine music, song and dance to celebrate the cultural heritages and shared values of the world’s peoples.

The Tamburitzans invite you to experience “Passages” on Sunday November 19 at Merle Reskin Theater

Passages – The Journey of Our Ancestors” is The Tamburitzans new stage production for the troupe’s 2017-18 performing season (81st year as the longest running live stage show in North America). The two-hour virtual journey transports audiences to the heart of over a dozen countries and cultures, including Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cuba, Eastern European Roma, Greece, Hungary, Mexico, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia and Spain.
The Tamburitzans invite you to experience “Passages” on Sunday November 19 at Merle Reskin Theater , 60 East Balbo, Chicago, Il 60604. Show time is 2:00 pm.

Tickets $30 in advance. All seats $40 at the door.