JEDAN NAROD JEDNA PRIČA – One People One Story – Čikago

21/10/2017 @ 7:00 pm
2936 N Southport Ave
Illinois 60657
St. Sava Academy & Mira Sremcevic Theatre
(773) 935-6875

Jedan Narod-Jedna Prica is a play envisioned as a display of 4 most important customs among Serbs: Christmas, Slava, Wedding and Easter, through historical epochs. Throughout the history of Serbian people, one story keeps repeating itself. Finding themselves at the crossroads and interests of powerful figures, Serbian people were always the center of controversy and were in the way of others achieving their goals. As a rule, but also symbolically, targets of all attacks were Serbian customs, religion, and tradition, as well as bearers and foundation of its people. Serbian people never did learn the lessons required from these critical situations and wars, and as a result, brought on more attacks and endangerment. This play has to send a message of necessity and unity of Serbian people, through loyalty to religion and knowledge of its customs and tradition.
All proceeds from ticket sales will benefit Saint Sava Academy.

Jedan narod jedna prica predstava
Jedan narod jedna prica predstava u Čikagu

U predstavi učestvuje oko 50 učesnika, srpsko-američko pozorište “Mira Sremčević“, u svom punom sastavu, folklorni ansambl “Oko sokolovo“ i ženska pevačka grupa “Soko“.
Predstava je zamišljena kao prikaz četiri najznačajnija običaja kod Srba: Božića, slave, svadbe i Uskrsa, kroz različite istorijske epohe. Tokom istorije srpskog naroda, stalno se provlačila jedna priča, kao usud.
Bivajući na raskrsnici puteva i interesa moćnijih, srpski narod je uvek bio na udaru i smetao u ostvarivanju tudjih ciljeva. Po pravilu, ali i simbolično, mete napada bili su upravo običaji, vera i tradicija, kao nosioci suštine jednog naroda.